The Leila 5E3+ Tweed Deluxe. Based on a late 50's narrow panel Fender Tweed Deluxe 5E3. Stock circuit uses 1 12AY7, 1 12AX7, 2 6V6's, 1 5Y3 and a 12" alnico speaker to produce about 15-18 watts of power.
Controls included 2 channels with a volume control for each, 1 tone control, 4 inputs, power on/off and standby.
Modifications to the circuit included Bruce Collins's volume/tone mod to convert the volume/tone section over to brownface specs and make the volume control more useful.
Key sections of the circuit are also tweaked to loose some of the low end flubby-ness that this circuit produces.
Overall a great low-mid power amp.
Overall a great low-mid power amp.